When gluing coins, you will need a type of glue that is strong. You also have to consider what you are doing with the pennies once they are glued together. If it’s for this project only then you can pick something stronger and riskier.

Types of glue to use with pennies

It’s not very hard to find what kind of glue to use for your coin project. Most stores sell different kinds of glue including superglue, hot glue gun, and epoxy putty. It doesn’t matter which kind you choose as long as they stick well enough together that when dry they don’t fall apart easily if picked up or dropped on floor.

How to glue pennies together?

Glue is what holds the coins together. You will need it for this project unless you are just going to use them as decorations. I have seen videos of people where they take a hot-glue gun and glue two pennies together and let them dry. In my experience, that kind of glue does not work very well because when you drop the glued coins on the floor, if there’s enough force they will fall apart and once glued back together, the glue might not be as strong between those two pennies as before or even more brittle than original ones. If you want something stronger but requiring less effort then you should try using epoxy putty which can easily stick many things into one another.

Once you have the right kind of glue you will need to experiment with how much to use for each coin and also which side of coins to glue together. Be aware that when using superglue or epoxy putty, there is a chance the glued coin could stick to your fingers so be careful about picking up coins after gluing them.

How to make your own glue for pennies?

If you don’t want to buy best carpenters glue from store then you can easily make your own glue by using nail polish. It’s not a strong as other types of glues but it will work for pennies.

This is an example where I glued four quarters together to show how much smaller they are than a regular penny and dime down there. Once put in my palm, the quarter blend right in with my hand so no one would be able to tell if your hand is empty or not.

Make sure you use clear nail polish because using colored polish will add unnecessary weight onto the coins making them heavier after drying and harder to carry around.

When you use enough nail polish on top of coins and wait for them to dry, it may even be possible to paint designs over the coins afterwards. Itried this once and it worked pretty well. I wasn’t able to find any pictures on how I painted designs but maybe you can use your imagination or watch some other videos of people who have done the same thing.

To make sure the coins are completely covered with nail polish, you can gently press down on them one by one to spread out the nail polish evenly without using too much pressure of course.  After that, just wait for everything to dry. Once dry, if you want you can add more layers of nail polish on top of everything to make sure they stick together and don’t fall apart at first touch!

This is what my first coin project looked like back in the day

I glued eight quarters together and then painted a design over them using different colored nail polish.

If you don’t want to use clear nail polish, but instead prefer something stronger, then you can use superglue in place of it. It’s much easier to glue things together with superglue than nail polish because all you have to do is put on a small amount of glue onto each side and wait for it dry! Superglue works so quickly that just after it touches two surfaces they stick together immediately.

When gluing coins this way, make sure you press down really hard on top of them to make sure the surface area that touches glue are completely covered.

Once this is done you won’t need to apply any more glue unless a coin comes off. If you have some coins that fall apart, try gluing only two of them together in order for the glue to suck up into those sections of the coins which makes for a stronger bond. I do not recommend using superglue on pennies because it can easily come off when trying to pick up coins or even touch them with your fingertips if they are still wet enough with glue, but a good idea would be to use superglue after using nail polish to help make sure the dry paint stays on top of pennies well.

Tips on how to keep the adhesive from running off the penny’s

Most store bought glues will have instructions on the package that tells you how to use it and there are many different kinds of adhesives so read the directions carefully.  If you’re using superglue then make sure you wipe off the extra glue from your fingers onto a paper towel or something else before handling coins or else you might glue them to your fingers! This happened to me once but luckily my four quarters were still stuck together, despite being glued on top of my fingers. It also helps if you let air dry for 5-10 minutes before handling anything because if too much liquid runs off then they won’t stick well anymore after touching other objects unless you apply more glue!

According to *Amazon’s product description , the best kind of glue to use with pennies is Gorilla Glue. Unlike all other types of adhesives, when used on pennies, Gorilla Glue will never dissolve nor run off the coins when it dries and you can even glue pennies onto paper if you wanted to because its strong enough to hold them together! The only downside is that this kind of adhesive takes 30-60 minutes to dry compared to other kinds which may be faster but not as good quality. If you’re just looking for a quick solution then just use superglue instead.

Ways you can use glue and pennies in crafts

I’ve already mentioned that you can glue two coins together in order to make one stronger coin but there are many other ways you can use pennies and glue! You can always take a whole bunch of coins, paint them, and stick them all over the outside of something as decoration.  If you don’t want anything sticking out then try gluing them inside books or magazines as if they were staples. This is actually what I did with my first penny project because I didn’t have any nail polish at home so instead I just glued the quarters onto pages as if they were post it notes – not quite as good but still sorta cool looking!

Some people also will paint pennies and then glue them underneath a layer of clear lex an (plastic) so that you have a shiny coin beneath something clear. So, for example if you wanted two pennies on the bottom of a desk lamp then all you would need to do is put one penny underneath and glue it, then paint another penny, put it under the plastic layer and glue that onto the first penny! You can also use pennies in these kinds of crafts even if they are not covered with any kind of adhesive because people will usually pick up coins anyway.

Another really easy way to make two extra “special” quarters is this: All you need is some clear nail polish or superglue and a pair of scissors. First take your painted quarters and cut them in half by cutting them down the middle along the coins’ middles. You can then paint both halves and glue them back together to make special looking quarters that are even stronger than regular ones!

 We hope you’ve found this blog post interesting and informative. 

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