A Sprint backlog is a list of the tasks that need to be completed by Sprint planning. Sprint backlogs contain all work that has been decided by the team for the Sprint. The Sprint Backlog includes all detailed analysis and technical tasks necessary to complete the Sprint goal, as well as a plan and time-box for delivering those valuable product increments. 

Sprint backlog items, their order and Sprint time-box should be flexible just enough to deal with unplanned events and still allow the team to meet the Sprint commitment. Sprint backlog is a set of Product Backlog Items selected for Sprint Planning which can be further broken down into tasks during Sprint execution or decomposition at review.

The Sprint Backlog is a forecast by the Development Team about what functionality will be in the next Increment and the work needed to deliver that functionality into a “Done” Increment. Sprint Backlog is dynamic; it constantly changes to identify what must be done in order to achieve the Sprint Goal.

The Sprint backlog is owned by the Development Team, How can you manage the Sprint backlog effectively? Sprint backlog is always visible and fully transparent to everyone on the team. 

Sprint backlog only contains the Product Backlog which has been reviewed and reprioritized by Product Owner, any Product Backlog Item not discussed during Sprint Planning, will be out of Sprint backlog.

The Sprint Backlog makes visible all the work that the Development Team has committed to for the Sprint. Sprint backlog is a plan that shows how the Development Team plans to achieve the Sprint Goal. Sprint Backlog is prepared during Sprint Planning, it is updated and refined as work proceeds. Sprint Backlog contains all tasks that need to be completed during the sprint, including tasks delegated to other teams.

Sprint backlog managing tips are as follows:

1. Sprint backlog should be reviewed and reprioritized by the Product Owner during Sprint Planning. 

Any product backlog items not discussed during Sprint Planning will be considered out of the Sprint backlog.

2. Sprint backlog items may be added, modified, or removed during the Sprint, but only with the agreement of the Development Team and the Product Owner. 

Any changes to the Sprint Backlog must be documented

3. Sprint backlog items can be estimated in hours, story points or other units of measure.

4. The Sprint Backlog is committed by Sprint.

 Sprint backlog items are expected to be done by the Sprint review, but may be finished earlier or later, as appropriate. 

Sprint Backlog items will continue to be reprioritized if necessary during the Sprint.

5. Sprint Product Owner must ensure that there are no changes made to Sprint backlog once Sprint logistics have started

6. Sprint backlog should contain all tasks that need to be completed during the Sprint, including tasks delegated to other teams.

7. Sprint backlog items should be ordered by priority.

8. Sprint backlog items may be broken down into smaller tasks, but the total number of tasks should not exceed the Sprint duration.

9. Sprint backlog items may be moved to a future Sprint, but this must be approved by the Product Owner.

10. Sprint backlog items may be moved into the Sprint backlog during Sprint execution, but this must be approved by the Product Owner.

11. Sprint backlog items may be removed from Sprint backlog during Sprint execution if they are no longer relevant or have excessive complexity. 

If this occurs, the item should be recorded as a change in Sprint Backlog Change Log.

12. The Sprint backlog is a dynamic document and changes may occur during Sprint execution. 

The Product Owner must be made aware of all changes.

13. Sprint Backlog burn-down charts are updated daily by Sprint team members during the Daily Scrum meeting. 

Sprint backlog items that move up in the Sprint Backlog should be highlighted in yellow, 

Sprint backlog items that move down should be either highlighted in red or deleted if no longer relevant to Sprint goal/deliverables. 

If an item is added to the Sprint Backlog and it pushes other Sprint Backlog items down the chart, then the original Sprint Backlog items should be highlighted in red.

14. The Sprint Burndown Chart is used to track progress towards the Sprint goal. 

The Sprint goal is indicated by a horizontal line at the bottom of the chart. As work is completed and Sprint backlog items are “done” they are crossed off. The Sprint Burndown Chart should be updated at the end of each Sprint day.

15. The Sprint Backlog is a prioritized list of tasks to be completed during the Sprint. 

Sprint backlog items are added, moved, and deleted during the Sprint. The Sprint backlog is a key element of Sprint execution, and should be managed effectively to ensure that the Sprint goals are met. The above tips can help you manage your backlog efficiently. Sprint backlog management is a full-time effort in itself since Sprint backlog items are moved into the Sprint Backlog daily.

Sprint backlog management requires ongoing attention and diligence to ensure that Sprint goals are met. A Sprint backlog should include only those Product Backlog Items approved during the Sprint Planning Meeting. 

The Product Owner prioritising Product Backlog Items within the Sprint backlog. Sprint Backlogs are ordered into the by Product Owner, taking into consideration the Product Owner’s definition of a “Done” Sprint increment. The Sprint Backlog is a plan committed to by the Development Team and visible to everyone on the team during a Sprint Review Meeting.


Sprint Backlogs contain less items than Product Backlogs. Sprint Product backlogs should focus on the things that need to be done, sprint backlogs provide a list of things to be done in a Sprint.

This blog was to give you tips on Sprint Backlog Tips. Sprint backlogs help maintain a Sprint Goal, Sprint Backlog items are ordered correctly and they have enough clarification. Sprint Backlog Tips can help you do the sprint right.

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