Free VPN

Every year, VPNs are growing immensely in popularity in various countries. Data Prot reveals that 26 percent of global internet users have used a VPN service at least once. Considering that there are over 5 billion internet users worldwide, the VPN industry is quite a lucrative industry to tap.

Now is the best time to do it if you want to make money from a VPN! After all, as countries increase censorship, users are now in need of internet freedom more than they were ever before.

Here is how you can leverage this need to make profits.

1. Find a VPN reseller

There are a lot of VPN resellers out there. You might want to start with ones that offer the best price for quality network specifications and protocol support. The trick here is to find the right VPN reseller whose service you can use to create your VPN brand.

Opt for a VPN that offers a lot of servers and access to the content of at least 100 countries that will help you establish your VPN’s core features. Remember, people only want a VPN that allows them to access all the content they wish to see, which also needs to be coupled with enhanced security.

From a business perspective, you might want to look for a reseller that allows you to effectively re-brand the VPN as yours that will prevent people from going directly to the reseller for using the VPN.

2. Decide on pricing

Once you have the backend VPN service figured out, the next key step is pricing.

Now, this isn’t as simple as you think. Setting a price involves knowing what your buyers are willing to invest in a VPN. From the supply side, you must also ensure that the price covers your costs.

All in all, you need to be competitive yet profitable, requiring a lot of market research. Find other VPN providers who are offering similar features. Check their pricing to see the average market rate. Then, you can either choose to position yourself below the average rate or right at it.

I would suggest starting with a slightly lower price to induce trials that can increase brand loyalty. You can slowly cash on this loyalty by offering better packages to which users can convert.

3. Conduct a marketing campaign

Regardless of how great your VPN is or how competitive you managed to make it compared to other solutions, none of it will amount to significant profit if people are unaware of your product.

This is where marketing comes in. Make sure to run an integrated and relevant marketing campaign for your VPN. Since it is a digital product, you might want to run digital ads on search engines and a social media campaign, allowing you to target users actively looking for a VPN.

Also, optimize your VPN site so that it appears on a decent rank when users do relevant searches to your industry and product.

4. Offer stellar technical support

What distinguishes these quality VPNs apart from price? Their customer support!

Quality VPNs nowadays are more than about the features they offer because you will find various options offering no log policy, secure browsing, and a lot of servers.

Make sure you are ready at all times to deal with any queries and problems that customers may have. Try to make your VPN technically sound to avoid an influx of issues. For example, be as thorough with instructions as possible for signups and payment. A smooth interface will be a blessing for you and your customers.

Even with good technical standing, you must offer quick customer support to prevent users from abandoning the VPN.

An Alternative: Sign up for an affiliate program

Are you getting overwhelmed by the sheer responsibility of running a VPN business? If you wish to avoid all the technical and complex stuff, you can make money from a VPN by signing up for an affiliate program.

All that is required here is for you to have a robust online presence. Then, you can earn money by selling an already established VPN service. Various brands offer excellent commissions to their affiliate partners.

Only do so if you feel your followers will make for potential buyers of a VPN. For example, if you are a beauty blogger, even though you will have an online presence, there is a scarce chance that your audience will be interested in VPNs. But, if you’re a tech expert, you are good to go!

Ending Remarks

Choose either of the ways to make money from a VPN. Now is the time for it. Let us know how the VPN business fares for you!

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