Do your employees need to be in the office to fulfill their professional services? If so, your company is likely to face difficulties in terms of productivity, accessibility and employee experience. If you reached this note, it is because you are looking for options to add value to your organization. Read on: here we talk about business mobility and its benefits.

“Everywhere, at all times and on all devices”, is how you can summarize what business mobility is. That employees can work outside the office, with 100% productivity, whenever and wherever has become a necessity for all organizations that want to stand out in their markets.

4 advantages of strengthening mobility in your company

It is a fact. Technology has evolved in such a way that companies stopped being physical spaces and moved their operations centers to the cloud, which, with the correct implementation and tools, translates into higher productivity and lower costs, among other benefits.

Cost Savings 

Enterprise mobility helps make your business more profitable. In the first place, it saves costs in basic services such as drinking water and electricity by not having all the personnel working in the facilities. Second, it will prevent the unnecessary acquisition of technological or other equipment for new employees. Finally, with the remote work modality, your collaborators will have the alternative of saving transportation costs.


Business mobility is not possible without ensuring your employees easy and secure access to your organization’s software. For this reason, tools such as virtual desktops are essential to strengthen business accessibility: employees have the programs, applications and information they need on a centralized server, which they can access from any device.

Better employee experience

The enterprise mobility also provides convenience to their collaborators and functional alternatives in case of emergencies. For example, the implementation of teleworking in Costa Rica arose at times when public servants could not reach the offices of certain institutions, due to natural disasters or other force majeure causes. With difficulties, the State had to implement remote collaboration models.

Mobility is a fact in your company, you will have no problems when implementing alternatives such as online working, whether due to business or employee needs, which has a positive impact on the degree of employee satisfaction.

Greater efficiency and productivity

With the tools that enable business mobility; distance, time and availability of technological equipment are no longer obstacles. By not needing physical spaces or being limited by hours to access company information, your collaborators will be able to carry out their tasks at any time and from anywhere, which will enable them to respond to emergencies in real-time.

For example, according to Citrix, around 79% of employees who use virtual desktops to have remote access to applications and information from their companies, consider that business mobility has a substantial impact on their performance, especially because the limitations disappear of distance and office hours.

This coincides with data from the Clearbridge Mobile firm, which ensures that companies that implemented business mobility tools managed to generate new sources of income in less time.

In short, mobility is an obligation for companies that want to stay competitive. Despite the fact that in the technological world not everything is profitable and there is a risk that organizational information falls into the wrong hands; there are tools such as virtual desktops that allow remote access to company applications from a centralized server, where data remains safe. Are you interested in knowing more about it?

Contact Al Rafay Global SharePoint consulting for the best consultancy services regarding online tool for the best interest of your company.

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